29 july 2009,wednesday. today will be blogging about cookies, because of dinah, she made some cookies for me, it was not bad, but i think i can make better :D but long time never make le, so skills should be rusty... who wanna bake cookies together?? tell me if you one, than chose one FREE day make. that's all for today.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Brain freeze ;D
28 july 2009,tuesday.
Today LIMEI(bumei) told me boonlay there,
got sell big cup of ice cream,
and it cost only $19.90
going there on saturday to check it out ;DIce cream or ice-cream is a frozen dessert
usually made from dairy products.
such as milk and cream.
now i think i going crazy for that ice cream.
will be running there to get my ice cream ;D
that's all for today.
p.s will reply tags another day.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Just a childlike dream
i watched harry potter and the half blood prince
with my family,last night
ever thought being a wizard?
i dream of it,
holding a wand learning magic
and riding on a broomstick.
isn't it cool?
this is platform 9 3/4
harry came through this wall
from the first movie ;D
this is the howarts express,
one of the way to go to howarts
the gate of howarts.
my dream school,
howarts school of magic,
but it will never come true D:
that's all for today=)
Friday, July 24, 2009
An unreplaceble one.
24 july 2009,friday.
what pet do you wanna keep?
i have many experience with pets,
for example fishes,hamsters to dog.
in my opinion,DOG is the BEST!!
she was the closes thing to me,
her breed is a miniature poodle.
she look like the picture below.
when she was around,
i would have someone to talk to,
but now she's gone,
i feel very empty D:
i hope i would have
a lot of dogs when i grow old,
isn't dogs the best companions?
can any other pet be better?
that's all for today.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
A place to slack.
23 july 2009,friday.
what's your favourite slacking place? mine would be lying down on the grass while looking at the stars. the best would be star gazing, in a clear night,full of stars when there are no clouds covering my vision of the stars. in total there are 88 official constellations. but when i look at the sky at night. i can only see stars and more stars=x i can't figure out how they see these constellations. can anyone teach me? :D sometimes you could even see a shooting star!!most people believe that
when a wish is made during a scene of a shooting star,
it will come true,what do you thing? anyway a star is a massive, luminous ball of plasma that is held together by gravity. A star is made up of hydrogen,helium and other heavier elements. Most stars are between 1 billion and 10 billion years old. aren't stars just amazing?
Monday, July 20, 2009
Sick at home.
20 july 2009,monday today i'm sick,
decided to stay home.
went to visit my doctor.
he gave me lots of medicine.
ate until i wanna vomit le,
5 different types.
i'm bored at home with nothing to do.
that's all for today.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
does colour matter?
19 july 2009,sunday.
What's a zebra?
a horse or maybe a donkey?
i watch a show on channel 5 today,
the zebra is being outcast by the other race horse
but it has a passion,
a passion for running!
just because of his stripes?
have you ever think that,
it looks like a white horse with blacks stripes,
or even a black horse with white stripes?
we are like the race horse.
we judge people just,
because of their colour of the skin.
the zebra in the show has a passion to run.
he was criticized by all the other race horse.
he wanted to gave up,
but his coach(which was a dwarf minituare horse)
he too had a passion for running when he was younger,
he took part in races even when his short small legs.
he had a passion for running and he fulfilled it.
the zebra than have the confidence to race,
in the end he won them and prove to them,
not only a race horse can run fast.
do not think about what people thinks of you,
just achieve your passion,
no matter how impossible it may be!!
that's all for today=)
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Be the change!
16 july 2009,thursday saw a video of this 11 years old boy, he has only 2 more week to live, because he suffered from leukemia. it's terrible diesea which is fatal. if you had only 2 weeks to live, what will you wish for? Mine is to have the largest gathering and invite all my friends i know to the gathering. i will than tell them not to worry, as this is GOD's plan for me to die. i'm going to a better place :D what did that boy wished for? to help the poor people living in his state. for example feeding the homeless,etc. he's some who have changed people's life, just by giving his last wish to helping people.
there is also a song sang by micheal jackson. the song title is the man in the mirror. i think i heard it in LIA 2 years ago, it talks about if you want to change the world, firstly it starts with chaging yourself. that's all for today:D
15 july 2009,wednesday when was your first love? have you forgotten about it? i still remember mine :D but it has to stay a memory, while moving on with life. i believe that first love, is the most romantic, wonderful feeling in the world, but it only happens once!! it is innocent but, first love always ends. but you can't forget it, no matter what you may do, or how many people you meet. i believe as fate bought two people together, when they are seperated, they will bring them back somehow.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
A life of misery.
14 july 2009,tuesday kenneth saw me this video, it's about how miserable a young girl's life can be. how on earth can anyone do these to a child? they are innocent!! btw anyone got any touching and sad videos please share with me ;D that's all for today. p.s off the music while you are watching.
Monday, July 13, 2009
studying kills.
13 july 2009,monday.
who on earth like to study?
damn torturous la.
but some UNIQUE people like studying.
like zzz la. how can they like to study?
anyway i still hate chineseso many words and bi hua to write ._.
ever since primary sch. my mum also bluff me that
i don't have to take chinese in seconday sch.
in the end i got bluff by her.
how sad right?
hoping to complete my studies
and continue to poly.
there i don't have to learn chinese anymore :D
i even wished that i was borned eurasian.
but too bad GOD made me like this.
something good about learning chinese
is CHINA is going to be a super power
and i will need it next time in life.
that about it.
to add on, i hate CHINA nationals(no ofference)
ask me personally if you wanna know why :D
that's all for today.
Sunday, July 12, 2009
ever thought of flying?
12 july 2009,sunday ever thought of flying? or hope you had special power? what will your power be? care to share it with me? i sitll remembered when i was small. i wanted to run as fast as sonic the hedgehog!! i know that's a lame but it was my childhood dream. on my birthday i even wished for that ;D that will never happen. things you did will never be gone, it will come back once in awhile and you will smile at the memories even when how stupid it will be=x that's all for today.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
reaching out for something that is not there.
11 july 2009,saturday.
yesterday went out to catch
The haunting in connecticut=) rate it 4/5
quite scary and interesting ;D
after that went bball.
than homed.
today morning went to study,
after that headed to town.
had dinner there and went home.
guess what,i'm broked ;D
that's all for today.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
What's your hobby?
9 july 2009,thursday view http://deadd-dolls.blogspot.com/ for what i expects from my dream girl ;D (clearly no one can meet that, if you can please tell me) today posting on hobby... what was your hobby when you were little? mine was collecting stamps and putting them into an album that my mum had passed down to me. she had collected stamps when she was young too. it's her hobby. my dad's hobby is collecting all notes or coins from many different country. i think i'm picking up his hobby as i always keep old $2 notes when i have them that all about today.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Father's love.
8 july 2009,wednesday. do you still remember when your dad taught you something? mine was cycling. i still remember that he would run beside my bike, and when i fell with brushes, he was there to pick me up. i just viewed a video about How great a love of a father is to his son. A son asked his father, "Dad, will you take part in a marathon with me?" The father who despite having a heart condition, said, "Yes". The race consists of three endurance events of a 2.4 miles (3.86 kilometers) ocean swim followed by a 112 miles (180.2 kilometers) bike ride and ending with a 26.2 miles (42.195 kilometers) marathon along the coast of the Big Island. Dick, the father explained that Rick while still in his mother's womb, the umbilical chord was wrapped around his neck cutting off oxygen to the brain. And when Rick was born, the doctor who was looking after Rick told Dick and his wife that Rick would never be able to walk nor talk all his life that it would be best that they put him away. But the Hoyts would not be willing to do such a thing and decided to bring him home instead and decided likewise to treat him just like anyone normal kid. So that when the family went for a swim, Rick went with them and so on and so forth. they were not able to join the races because Dick had a heart attack and the other year was that Rick was the one who had a problem. he loved them even as he loved Rick that much that he committed himself to do the tough physical demands of the races and the triathlons, the Ironman that his son may have the chance to enjoy the races and be a part of life. And in a return show of love and appreciation, Rick says this of his father, "Dad is my hero." And to end my inputs on the father and son, I'd like to end what Rick says that he likes most... (Rick types using a special machine), he says, "The thing I most like is my dad sit in the chair and I push him once." watch the video and bet you will be touched :D http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zGRyYKF5jVY that's all for today.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
A fairytale ending?
7 July 2009,tuesday. didn't slept at all the night before D: return something to someone. after that went mac to eat with hs and zy. went to sch after that. after sch went home. met someone after that. had my tuition. Tommorrow is my N-levels oral, what topic would be tested? scared sia... turning in early today. that's all for today.
Monday, July 6, 2009
Blinded by the world.
Aren't PANDAS adorable? 6 july 2009,monday today woke up early. went to library to study with kenneth,zy and yh. than liang chen came. slowly more EVG people came. we book 3 full tables ;D after that went to meet xiaosaddie. than went bball. after that sent her home. went home after that. that's all for today. living in 2 different worlds.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
A walk in the rain.
5 july 2009,sunday.
today went to church for service.
woke up late as usual.
this week is youth weekend ;D after that went to eat ate 834 than to val's hse for CG.
had worship and bible study.
after that slack awhile
than off home.
study and slept.
had my dinner with family and left the hse.
walk in the rain to find the bbq pit.
raindrops is like love,
they might be gone after awhile
sometimes it finds it's way back ;D
but sometimes it doesn't D:
walk to alot of places before reachingthe bbq pit,
there they had a indoor bbq pit :D
had fun there while celebrating for jeanette's and keith's birthday.
you know what?
they are brothers and sisters
and the most amazing thing
after that went homed.
now talking to BFF on phone ;D
that's all for today.
are you coming back to me?
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Exco one year anniversary!!
5 july 2009,saturday.
today woke up about 12plus.
(ps kenneth for bball)
sorry wor.
went to meet Excos 2pm cwp.
got there the others didn't want
to go to discovery centre.
so went orchard cinelesasure.
wanted to catch a movie but it was totally full=x
so went to find food to eat while waiting for the rest to come. ate at pasta mania after walking around.
(wasn't filling at all=x)
went to marina barage after that.
the place is super nice.
windy and it's a nice place to relax.
went back admairty.
had my 2 dinner with rachel and homed.
that's all for today=)
(didn't post pictures because my url cable is spoiled D:)
let our lifes leave it to FATE.
16; 9th February
Evergreen Secondary
Track & Slacker