This time i'm holding LIA camp for the sec3s.
i went for my LIA camp last year during june...
and i was selected to become an EXCO.
it had been an unforgettable
experience for me ever since.
i couldn't sleep the night before
as my mind was only thinking about LIA camp.
anyway LIA camp stands for
leaders in action camp!
where every sec3 student leader
would have the opportunity to attend this camp.
The start of the camp when i met my group GAWIN.
i really didn't know anyone from my group.
there were still stranger to me.
ANYWAY there are no strangers
only friends you haven't met=)
we start with bag check,
after checking was ice breakers.
my group wasn't working together at that time...
anyway the bullied me during one of the games=x
than the muslims went for malay prayers.
while chinese stay at the library amd watch "coach carter"
the is an inspiring movie of a coach and his basketball team.
they went to visit a church.
they went to visit a church.
after that they had to plant a bean sprout.
which represented their life as a leader.
than they had team bonding games.
they play fussy puzzley and shoe monument.
after that was dinner.
was lecture of LIA camp.
after that was MY GAME "PRSION BREAK!!"
it was to test the limits of the LIA participants,
their endurence group did well and i'm proud of them.
as i didn't help them in anyway...
from prison break i saw leaders not followers!!
after that was supper and debrief.
than it was lights out!
ike normal camps
it started out with P.T.
it started out with P.T.
after that was breakfast.
we had some team bonding games after that...
than lecture on event management and NE presentation.
after that was lunch.
than the leaders went on a learning journey to a mosque.
they had another team bonding game.
after that was WATER GAMES!!
it was a time i bonded with my group.
dinner came next.
it was a time i bonded with my group.
dinner came next.
than the movie WE WERE SOIDIERS
was showed at the librbay.
i watched the movie last year
and i had learned alot of values from the movie.
i shared it with my group this year...
after movie was debrief.
shared what i learned as a leader
thoughtout my time as an exco.
after that was lights out.
as usual P.T
than was event planning.
than was event planning.
after that was breakfast.
than we had trust fall,
it was to see how much the
group has bonded throughtout this 3 days.
as it was a test of trust!
after that was kabadi where everyone played.
the leaders went to pack their bunks
and there was a mass debrief by mr vik.
last but not last were photo taking session.
To Gawin,
thanks for everyone you have done.
you have just made my leadership journey
to yet next another level.
to yet next another level.
i have walk this journey for about 9 months,
how about you?
i had sacrificed and changed a lot,
to make my way up here.
rememeber a leader is only as strong as his team,
without his team,
a leader is just another ordinary person.
trust is a lifeblood that exists between a leader
and his team,without trust,we are merely pretenders.
a leader must know when to lead his team and
when he must allow himself to be led.
and his team,without trust,we are merely pretenders.
a leader must know when to lead his team and
when he must allow himself to be led.
i will never do anything to change
this wonderful experience with my group GAWIN!
thanks for the unforgettable experience=)
10 teams collide,
on the inside,
we got to fight for what's right,
so as to win,win,win,
this is team GAWIN!